Moderate Weather Unit
- Can I recalibrate the temperature sensor?
- Gradient Indoor Unit Maintenance and Cleaning
- What other refrigerants is Gradient considering for the future?
- What kind of refrigerant does the Gradient use?
- How is the Gradient heat pump different from other heat pumps? Aren’t all AC’s heat pumps?
- Does the Gradient use heat pumps?
- What are the dimensions of the Gradient heat pump?
- What is the minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) rating of the filter?
- What is the Gradient's Combined Energy Efficiency Ratio (CEER) rating of the Moderate Weather window heat pump?
- Where is the Gradient's compressor?
- Does the Gradient have an inverter, like some minisplits do?
- What voltage is the Gradient's power supply?
- What size room does the Gradient cool and heat?
- I'd like to know how powerful the Gradient is. What is its BTU rating?
- Will the Gradient work with any window?
- What kind of climates is the Gradient good for?
- How much less energy does Gradient use? How does it impact your carbon footprint?
- How do I control the unit?
- How do I install my unit?
- How do I find my unit's serial number?
- Do I need WiFi to use the Gradient unit?
- Can I use a three-prong adaptor?
- Do I really need a three-prong outlet?
- What happens if I don't use a three-prong outlet?
- The cord isn't long enough. What should I do?
- Why do I need a three-prong outlet?
- When I'm done using my Gradient unit do I turn it off?
- If I don't turn the unit off, how much power is it consuming?
- My unit is dripping a lot of water outside. What should I do?
- Should I turn the unit off when I am not using it?